Kay's Mini adventure

Kay and Aerial charge into the smoke, only to find they can't see anything. The blackness is so heavy and thick, that you cannot see your hand 1 inch in front of your face.

Kay will head towards a noise she's heard Hopeing she'll snag 'em before they finish their vanishing act. :( In-between cursing at the cultists and hollering for Arilyn, she asks Aerial, "How about magic-up some wind, or can you do that?"

"I wish I could bring up some wind since I was the one that caused this my spell fizzled out."Aerial Whispered to Kay.

Not wanting to give up on her bud without a fight, and knowing the mighty Gareth shouldn't have any problems dealing with the wet worm, Kay heads towards the sound of running feet, obviously those pesky priests.

Aerial curious at the noise it might be Arilyn goes toward the wood striking the stone Cautiously.

Kay breaks free of the smoke as she luckily enters a doorway. In front of you, a long, wide hallway narrows toward the far end. 2 tall hideous statues of alien looking humanoids stand along each side wall, staring with dull, fishlike eyes.
The hall is dimly lit by a bank of black candles atop a low altar positioned 5' in front of the north wall. At the opposite end, you can just make out a door, which shuts as you glance in that direction. behind you, is still smoke.

Before continuing, Kay stops, pulls out a copper coin and tosses it past the statues, if they zap it (Or whatever nasty), she'll reconsider her actions, but if nothing happens, she'll make her way past the statues and through that door that just shut. She's still has in her bow in hand, and is more than ready to stick a few arrows into the arses of those pesky priests!

Kay tosses towards the statues and nothing happens. Moving towards the door, she listens cautiously, but hearing nothing, she opens the door. She finds herself in a blackened room. The walls, floor, tapestries, and furniture is all black. A table in the center has been turned upside down and is missing a tableleg. There are chairs scattered around near the walls. The room is empty of any person as far as you can tell.

Completely forgetting about what's-her-face for a second (What happened to Aerial?) , A frantic Kay searches the room..Are there any other doors? Anything behind the tapestries? If nothing can be found, she'll leave the room to see what Aerial is up to.(And pick up her coin along the way)

For the statues, she'll poke at the eyes, pull on the arms and legs, and whatever she can, these evil guys always have levers or buttons to open secret doors and such. Upon the altar, is a book written in some unknown language. Throughout the pages it is open to, is an arcane, evil looking symbol.

Nothing happens when Kay pokes at the statues. As she picks up the book, she is instantly knocked unconscious by an incredible force of evil washing over and through her. Dreams of chanting men in black robes, and dancing skulls dance through her mind.

Meanwhile, Arilyn finds herself floating towards the smoke in what she determines is a hold person, and levitate spell combined. She is able to see, hear, smell, and feel, but she is unable to move, or fight back against her predicament. Fear and anger worm thier way into her heart, being the sort of maiden who hates being 'made' to do anything she doesnt wish, but anticipation also at what is to come. You float into the smoke, and your senses get confused. You see nothing but total blackness. Your logical mind tells you you are within the smoky wall, but you dont have any difficulty breathing, nor do you taste or smell smoke or fire. You feel someone take your hand, and roughly pull you ahead further into the smoke. You go through a doorway, In front of you, a long, wide hallway narrows toward the far end. 2 tall hideous statues of alien looking humanoids stand along each side wall, staring with dull, fishlike eyes. The hall is dimly lit by a bank of black candles atop a low altar positioned 5' in front of the north wall. At the opposite end, you can just make out a door. Pulling you down the hallway, is the head priest from earlier. He pauses at the altar, and on the floor you can see an unconscious Kay lying crumpled on the floor, an evil looking book under her opened hand. The priests laughs evilly, an awful sound that sends chills up your spine. Kay looks dead, you see no sign of breathe or movement. The priest snaps his fingers in the direction of Kay's body, and first she, then the book she is holding rise into the air. Floating down the hallway past the hideous statues, and through the door, you enter the a room all in black. The priest notes the table in the middle of the floor, upside down with a table leg missing, and curses under his breathe in common. Pulling chains and mannacle out of his pocket (now how'd those get there) he chains you both to a wall. Hands and feet are mannacled into spread eagle positions. He then gags you with strips of cloth. You wonder why, since you cant speak, but you realize his spell will wear off eventually and that is most likely the reason. Chained and gagged, the priest leers at you. He removes both of your clothing so you are both chained naked to the wall except for the mannacles around your ankles and wrists. Chanting once more, you both vanish from sight, apparently the victim of an invisibility spell. You can see clearly, but you cannot be seen. He leaves you, vanishing in midair, unknown to you is whether he is invisible, or has teleported elsewhere. Unable to move as you are, able only to think, you wonder why this mans spells work so well, where all others seem to fail so consistently.

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